
Idol City Mine

Harney County, Oregon

This area was subjected to placer mining from the 1890’s to 1940’s, and minor amounts of lode mining also took place.

The Idol City property contains epigenetic gold mineralization associated with two zones of hydrothermal brecciation and alteration within Tertiary intermediate volcanics. Previous drilling by Noranda penetrated several zones of mineralization over significant widths, including a 43 meter interval grading 1.37 grams of gold per ton.

Several targets remain untested on the property, including portions of both exposed breccias, possible unexposed breccias, structural intersections and a hypothetical gold-rich, Au-arsenopyrite zone that might occur at depth in a vertically zoned system. These targets merit further investigation including an aggressive drilling program.

Noranda program

1981: 200 rock chip and 600 soil samples. Identified five target areas.

1982: Geological mapping, backhoe trenching, channel sampling. Identified two broad zones of disseminated gold mineralization associated with fracturing and hydrothermal brecciation. Exposure covers 1,400 meters by 200 meters. Drilled nine RC and two core holes (1,067 meters). Anomalous to ore grade precious metal mineralization was encountered over significant intersections (>12 meters) in five of nine RC holes and both core holes.

1983: Additional sampling, pole-dipole IP survey and mag surveys delineated chargeability and resistivity anomalies and assisted in mapping structures. Drilled thirteen RC holes (941 meters). Anomalous to ore grade precious metal mineralization was encountered in five of the thirteen holes.

There are no records of additional exploration on this property since 1990. The property Is considered to be immediately eligible to support a NI43-101 qualifying report.

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